Blogoral Calendar

Calendar Of Annually Revised Posts.

Hell Yes There's A Santa Claus. (6 Dec)
O What's an Antiphon? (17 Dec)
Christmas / Navidad / Weinachten. (25 Dec)
The 12 Days of Christmas.
Happy Whatever Day This Is. (1 Jan)
Wilhelm Löhe. (2 Jan)
Epiphany / Theophany / Los Tres Reyes. (6 Jan)
Roman Empire/Church, East/West/Holy. (16 Jan)
- founding day of the Roman Empire
Candlemas. (2 Feb)
A Love Story For St Valentine's Day. (14 Feb)
The Confession of St Peter. On Chairs Too. (22 Feb)
Readin', Writin', and Absolute Multitude. (25 Feb)
- founding day of The University of Iowa
The Transfiguration of Jesus.
What's A Septuagesima? Gesimatide.
What's A Quadragesima? Lent / Fastenzeit.
Divine Service -- What's That and Why Bother? (12 Mar)
- the real feast of St Gregory the Great, not 3 Sep
Divine Office -- What's That and Why Bother? (21 Mar)
- the real feast of St Benedict, not 11 July
The Annunciation / Lady Day. (25 Mar)
Palmarum and Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday / Gründonnerstag.
Good Friday / Karfreitag.
Easter Vigil / Osternacht.
Pascha / Easter / Counting the Omer.
Paschaltide / Quinquagesima paschalis.
The Founding of the City, 21 April.
May Day, May Day!
CFW Walther. (7 May)
Pentecost / Shavuot / Pfingstfest.
Armed Forces Week And Day.
Memorial Day Is Not All Saints Day. (30 May)
St Boniface, OSB. (5 June)
When In Rome ...
The Nativity of St John the Baptist. (24 June)
The Augsburg Confession. (25 June)
The Fourth of July.
A Different St Nicholas -- and Alexandra, Passion-Bearers. (17 July)
Robert Barnes. (30 July)
The Dormitory of Mary. (15 August)
On St Bernard, Sacred Heads, ATMs and Other Stuff. (19 Aug)
St Monica and Vatican II For Lutherans. (27 Aug)
- Vatican II's Monica feast day, the real one is 4 May
Augustine and Happy Birthday, Western Catholic Church. (6 Sep)
Arminius. Herman the German. Us.
Temples, Taxes, Vespasian and Now.
Holy Crap Day. (14 Sep)
The Divine Setting. An Essay on the Lifted Cross.
It's Fall, What Happened to the High Holydays and Sukkoth?
St Michael's Day / Michaelmas / Michaelistag. (29 Sep)
Jerome. (30 Sep)
Hold Fast to Hype. (11 Oct)
Boethius, Terence, Wheel of Fortune. (23 Oct)
Reformation Day etc / Reformationstag usw. (31 Oct)
Election Day.
What's An Armistice? Veterans Day/St Martin's Day. (11 Nov)
Thanksgiving. (19 Nov)
A Thanksgiving That Lasts An Eternity.